Compass mongodb ubuntu
Compass mongodb ubuntu

compass mongodb ubuntu

Fallback snapshots are created using a different process, and they may have inconsistent data. While you can use a fallback snapshot to restore a cluster, it should only be done when absolutely necessary. If a snapshot fails, Atlas will automatically attempt to create another snapshot. While you can also enable cloud backups when modifying an existing cluster, you should turn this feature on by default, as it will prevent data loss. When creating a new cluster, you have the option to turn on cloud backup. Similarly, a structure for a collection will be created whenever the first document is inserted into the database. You don’t need to explicitly create a MongoDB database, as it will be automatically created when you specify a database to import from. While JSON is easy to work with, it doesn’t support all of the data types that BSON supports, and it may lead to the loss of fidelity. It’s better to use BSON when backing up and restoring. MongoDB uses both regular JSON and Binary JSON (BSON) file formats. There are some best practices you should follow when using the MongoDB backup and restore services for your MongoDB clusters. MongoDB Backup and Restore Best Practices The cloud backup and cloud restore functions remain the preferred method of managing backups. The MongoDB Atlas backup feature incrementally backs up the data in a specified cluster, and you can restore from these snapshots or from any point in time within the past 24 hours. Legacy backups are supported but deprecated. The target cluster must also be using either the same version of MongoDB or a newer version than the snapshot cluster. The restore function in MongoDB Atlas lets the user restore to either a replica set or a sharded cluster, as long as the destination uses the same encryption provider as the snapshot cluster of origin.

compass mongodb ubuntu

MongoDB Atlas supports cloud backups for clusters served on the following hosting platforms: MongoDB Cloud Backups are created using the native snapshot functionality of the cluster’s cloud service provider. MongoDB Atlas allows the user to create backups using the cloud backup system. MongoDB Atlas can work with both logical and physical backups. This helps protect you from data loss, as you can restore a database to a MongoDB instance using a created copy of that instance.īackups created with plain MongoDB Backup and Restore tools are logical backups, and they make use of the BSON data type. The MongoDB Backup and Restore Tool allows you to encapsulate the state of a cluster and return to that state at any time.


An example of how to back up and restore using both the MongoDB tools and MongoDB Atlas.The difference between logical and physical backups in MongoDB.Back up and restore using MongoDB Atlas.Back up and restore with the MongoDB tools.A database can be backed up and restored using either MongoDB backup and restore utilities or the cloud database platform MongoDB Atlas. MongoDB enables users to back up and restore their databases.

Compass mongodb ubuntu